32 Tips to Find Dofollow Blogs for Blog Commenting | Get Effective Back links
32 Tips to Find Dofollow Blogs for Blog Commenting | Get Effective Back links
Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is most familiar strategy to boost your website or blog ranking. In the topic, an SEO expert should follow two approaches:
– On-Page Search Engine Optimization
– Off-Page Search Engine Optimization
I am a SEO expert and I love to do Off-Page Analysis, I also create useful backlinks for my client’s websites and blog, so their website gets back links from the niche related Post, Blogs, Journals and many more. Here I’ll make clear you how to get valuable back links in easy method.
I do Off-Page SEO by using some effective tricks, so we get effective backlinks. If you want to get effective Backlinks for you website to increase the traffic, then forum posting and blog commenting is very helpful. In the web words, If someone want their website to rank first on Google search engine result pages (SERP) by getting as many back links to their website, then there is no better way than forum commenting. But we can’t struggle with trends. Most recently blog commenting is gaining more popularity in spite of the fact that forum posting is also an successful way. Today, SEO Experts are giving more substance to forum commenting.
In fact you can use google to find backlink. Just copy and pastes this into Google search box. Change keyword with your niche keyword.
Here I am listing some tips and tricks for those who are beginners in SEO and want to grasp it as soon as possible. Some of them are:
Keyword + site:wordpress.com
Keyword + site:blogspot.com
Keyword + site:typepad.com
Keyword + site:edublogs.org
Keyword + site:livejournal.com
Keyword + intext:”powered by wordpress”
Keyword + intext:”powered by typepad”
site:.com inurl:blog + “post a comment” + keyword
site:.com inurl:blog + “post a comment” + commentluv enabled
“Add comment” Your Keywords
“Post comment” Your Keywords
“Write comment” Your Keywords
Your Keywords “leave a comment” / “leave comment”
Your Keywords “Notify me of follow-up comments?”+”Submit the word you see below:”
Your Keywords “Remember my personal information” + “Notify me of follow-up comments?”
Your Keywords “Notify me of follow-up comments”
Your Keywords “This site uses KeywordLuv”
Your Keywords “Enable CommentLuv”
Your Keywords “You can use these tags”
Your Keywords “Powered by BlogEngine.NET”
Your Keywords “Allowed HTML tags:”
Your Keywords “top commenter”
“Keyword” “Powered By Blogger”
“Keyword” “Powered By WordPress”
“Keyword” “Powered By Typepad”
“Keyword” “Powered By Drupal”
“Keyword” “Powered By Blogengine”
“Keyword” “Powered By Movabletype”
With these tricks anyone can easily get backlinks for any specific website and can get high page rank for their website or blog, which will not only sponsor their business with people but also get possible clients.
2 Responses to "32 Tips to Find Dofollow Blogs for Blog Commenting | Get Effective Back links"
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