Present Our Data with Data GIF Maker from Google
Present Our Data with Data GIF Maker from Google
Presentations get boring-corporate offerings can be more than that! However, when dealing with sales and marketing, it is inevitable that we need to bring some graphs, figures and graphs to summarize our view.
Even when we do our own commercial site, there are times when we want to photograph stats about your company. These are data such as the number of customers in your company, the percentage of happy customers etc. It's really everything is up to you!
Earlier this year, Google came up with a tool that could make data imaging more interesting, the GIF data maker.
Make our data more interesting using the GIF data maker
Currently, there are 3 templates we can choose from on the GIF data maker, and these templates can be applied for different uses. Our claim take a look at some possibilities for what you can do with this handy tool.
1. Rectangles
Think of this as a more fancy bar chart than the graphic that you create in the typical Excel spreadsheet.
2. Racetrack

In the shape of the racetrack, we can show the data in the shape of the racetrack. Unlike the rectangle template, we can insert up to 4 elements in this chart. This graph is a great way to show progress or increase in value over the years, but there are other usages of this scheme as well.
The larger numbers will also tend to drift towards the end of the race path faster, indicating the values of the numbers.
3. Chambers
However, note that this chart is more suited to extremely contradictory values-if the contrast between small numbers, the difference in the size of a circle may not be very clear.
On the side, you can also edit the colors of these diagrams before downloading them. Maybe you can create graphs in the brand colors of your corporate!
Try the Google GIF data maker experience for presentations today!
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